Saturday, December 12, 2009

Evolution of the Omega Point

Philosophical futures have shifted significantly over the past millennium, from the dark despair of the nihilistic ‘heat death’ of the universe to a more optimistic outlook based on an evolutionary ‘becoming’ paradigm.

While the scholastics of the Middle Ages discerned no significant improvement in the quality of knowledge since the Greeks, the philosophers of the enlightenment realised that significant gains had been made, particularly in physics and astronomy and in terms of an increasing awareness of human rights.

The problem was that most philosophical models lacked a rigorous scientific basis, a mechanism capable of explaining life's interaction with the cosmos in anything but the most rudimentary meta-physical terms. By the late 19th Century it had been generally accepted that a realistic view of the cosmos had to be both an evolutionary and an optimistic one. A number of philosophers and scientists eloquently defined a more melioristic outcome for humanity; a fresh and optimistic view of life's future.

Spencer had an immense influence on political philosophy at the start of the 20th Century. In Spencer's view progress would be achieved through the voluntary cooperation of individuals while retaining the goal of freedom for the individual. This would achieve an increasing amount of social diversity and heterogeneity. Henri Bergson, the great French philosopher, postulated that evolution would continually create new knowledge unpredicted by past events.

This positive outlook also clashed with the prevalent inescapable and desolate ‘heat death’ of the universe, following from the physics of the second law of thermodynamics. In this scenario, life would cease to exist in the far future due to the dissipation of all energy from the galaxies, stars and planets in the cosmos. Recent forward thinkers such as mathematical physicist Professor Frank Tipler, have gone some way towards providing an alternative to this doomsday view; arguing that in the far future life may exist in a more abstract form, with the capacity to indefinitely delay such an outcome through the generation of an infinite amount of information. Another alternative may be that life will have the capability to create and populate alternate universes.

The ‘becoming’ evolutionary philosophers have sought to infer a progression from spacetime to matter, matter to life, life to mind and finally mind to deity. In this prognosis the deity does not exist before time but comes into existence over time. Such a model of an evolving God is similar to the evolutionary hypothesis outlined in the author’s book- The Future of Life- Meta-Evolution.

Teilhard de Chardin was both a scientist-palaeontologist and a Jesuit theologian, so it was natural for him to combine catholicism with evolutionary theory. His evolutionary cosmology encompasses a melioristic cosmos, which evolves a God. Teilhard conceived of a life force or radial energy, which achieves an inevitable increase in complexity and organisation over time. Finally, in the far future, the radial energy of life force coalesces into a super being or Omega point capable of manipulating spacetime and energy to escape the heat death.

As mentioned, Professor Frank Tipler in his book The Physics of Immortality, has also come to a similar conclusion, albeit by different and more rigorous scientific route. He argues the most compelling version of the Omega point hypothesis to date. In a nutshell he presents the thesis that over eons, culminating just before the end of the universe, the accumulation of all information that ever existed is concentrated in an infinitely wise knowledge singularity or Omega point. Further, such an entity is capable of existing forever in subjective time. The theory is underpinned largely by the extrapolation of thermodynamics, general relativity and quantum theory. Tipler also argues that meta-intelligence becomes coexistent with the cosmos, with the rider that the Omega point may be the ultimate observer; which according to one extension of quantum theory is responsible for bringing the entire universe into existence. In other words, the universe has no determinate form until observed and measured.

David Tow postulates a similar outcome, albeit by an alternate hypothesis; arguing the development of knowledge structures is a cumulative process, which occurs throughout the universe at both the organic and inorganic level. Therefore it is inevitable that this process will produce an Omega type entity, not just at the end of time but throughout time- an infinite chain of Omegas each evolving from the previous ancestor.
An Omega point is therefore postulated as an inevitable outcome of a Multiverse capable of sustaining life. This has enormous philosophical ramifications for present life.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What is Life

The traditional formulation and scope of physical laws fails to adequately describe complex biological systems. Describing life in terms of the laws of matter and forces is insufficient to capture its complexity or emergent properties. Life can be defined in biological terms by a number of processes and states including adaptation, reproduction, metabolism and evolution. Cell-based components and combinations are linked in multi-dimensional networks to create a living organism, each link defining a critical relationship. The complexity of these networks combined with a dynamic evolving process driven by the need to survive marks a key difference between animate and inanimate phenomena.

The network decision-based theory of evolution as defined in the author's book- The Future of Life: Meta-Evolution, postulates that adaptive living systems are capable of utilising and processing information by storing, monitoring and transforming it. Information is stored and processed in the neural network structures of the brain and nervous system, the DNA, RNA and protein structures of the cell as well as the myriad other chemical, sensory, signalling and metabolic feedback loops that allow life to function within a complex environment.

By transforming information, life evolves towards greater complexity. The more complex life becomes, the better it’s able to learn, adapt and continue its trajectory in the universe.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Meta-Evolution and The Golden Braid

Most people today, including scientists, psychologists, philosophers and pparticularly theologians feel extremely threatened by advances in artificial Intelligence and life. Although paying lip-service to the value of computers as tools to improve office and factory productivity, human life is not yet prepared to consider its creation as a competitor, capable of evolving its own alternate forms of intelligence, creativity and consciousness. Certainly the combination of AI, AR and AL is a potent cocktail, ripe for the next major phase change in life- the emergence of Meta-evolution.

The theme of this blog is that while the outcomes of evolution impact all physical systems, the process itself operates at a deeper information level. If the speed of a gazelle or the waterproof coat of an otter, or the hunting skills of a group of killer whales are useful in ensuring survival, the knowledge responsible for generating such outcomes will be retained, either via the genome or behavioural and cultural patterns. Otherwise it will eventually be discarded. In addition, the positive feedback from the gain in useful information reinforces and accelerates the process within a multi-dimensional framework Recent research has suggested that DNA as a medium for storing, modifying and replicating information is itself the product of evolution rather than chance. This is a critical example of the general process of evolution at work - molecular evolution catalysing biological evolution catalysing social evolution.

Quite simply, the evolutionary gains from one process feed into and catalyse others, which in turn provide an impetus to an ever-widening group of processes. For example, new insights into the physical properties of metals have led to recent breakthroughs in the field of superconductivity. This, in turn, has enabled the design of more efficient data transmission and more powerful computers. Faster computers combined with higher bandwidth data transmission has opened up the potential for telemedicine and tele-education via the Internet. Tele-medicine and tele-education also have the potential to change the social and political landscapes as third world countries seize on these low-cost technological advances to re-invigorate their economies and play catch-up with the West.

At the same time in another social dimension, a better understanding of the physics of metals has resulted in more advanced methods of dating prehistoric artefacts, leading to a better understanding of ancient civilisations and Aboriginal communities. This knowledge combined with advanced graphics is now being encapsulated in multi-media and interleaved with the education process for the benefit of future as well as present generations.

The science of evolution in its most abstract form therefore involves the transfer of information, or in the human context, ideas. The most useful information is then propagated or disseminated. In biological terminology, it is replicated. Novel ideas or innovations can be considered the equivalent of mutations, some of which may be beneficial, with the capacity to catalyse a process. Information packets or ideas then continue to be edited, mutated, cross-linked and integrated in various combinations, retaining the most useful combinations or progeny for further refinement and distribution and so on.

Evolution is therefore a multi-layered force, rippling through space and time, with each layer contributing to and accelerating the solution of a different set of local problems and at the same time creating solutions to global problems, each new solution adding value to all others. Eventually, the process must reach a critical mass, where new knowledge is generated and communicated continuously at lightning speed, virtually instantaneously.

This convergent teleology of evolution also helps explain the phenomena of emergent phase change, in which the process bootstraps itself to a higher level on reaching a critical threshold of complexity and a new system emerges with expanded functions capable of subsuming the previous form. This is now beginning to occur in our present society as knowledge grows exponentially whether measured by the growth in educational output, scientific journals or artistic excellence, at the same time accelerated by concurrent social phenomena such as the spread of democracy and greater recognition of human rights.

Such a process may be termed Meta-evolution. Phase changes are not a new phenomenon. Earlier incarnations manifested in the pre-Cambrian era, which saw explosive growth in biological diversity following attainment of a critical environmental threshold. Also, with the emergence of our early human ancestors over six million years ago, evidence of explosive growth in brain development was triggered by increasing environmental and social complexity.

The present phase change however is of immeasurably greater significance. For the first time, the acceleration of change will push life beyond its biological limits.
The extension to new AI-based forms will be irreversible. Evolution's inexorable push-pull will not allow for reversal. Life will begin to achieve a meta-view of its own destiny as a function of evolution and this will provide further hyper-impetus as it seeks to optimise its future.

Meta-evolution will create a never-ending recursive spiral of emergent system states, each cognisant of but more complex than its precursor. Each newly emergent system will seek to maximise its newfound potential, creating vast new knowledge bases and higher levels of intelligence, leveraging on each previous set of emergent properties and functions.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Emergence of Meta-Life

The current scientific method that reflects the evolutionary process will be continuously refined, providing forward guidance and risk management relating to the introduction of each new technological and social innovation, through the simulation of future scenarios. A greater capacity will rapidly develop to assess future outcomes from present states based on this process, feeding these projections back to the present in a constant interplay of time-based scenarios; eventually resulting in a collapse of time with the merging of past, present and future states.

The major initial advantage will be a significant reduction in the massive risks associated with the outcomes of new technologies, which have produced such catastrophic environmental and human degradation in the past. Also implicit in meta-evolution will be the capability to achieve ultra-rapid convergence, resulting in almost instantaneous problem solving and realisation of goals.

Knowledge in this future scenario will be generated, gathered, focused, processed and applied as required in ultra-fast timeframes. Research and development times for new products and processes will collapse dramatically. The time to bring new information services and computer products to market has already been reduced from three years to three months over the past ten years. This trend is continuing, with technology companies currently introducing major product and service enhancements at the rate of one a month.

Utilising technologies such as nanotechnology, bioengineering and advanced robotics, concepts will be seamlessly transformed to designs, designs to prototypes, and prototypes to production models almost simultaneously. Engineering and scientific projects will become more gargantuan and complex, laying the foundations to extend life on earth to other star systems and galaxies; eventually utilising the limitless energy and resources of the entire universe. Although ethically and economically dubious, plans to mine the Moon and Mars are already well advanced.

Meta-evolution will also provide the energy and insight to fast-track the evolution of Meta-life. The symbiotic merging of artificial intelligence with biological life, together with human cooperation on a global basis, will, within a comparatively short timeframe, result in the emergence of meta-life as a universal form of intelligence. The logical stepping stone to this state, artificial life, is already a reality.

The essence of life, that is its basic behavioural, replicative and cognitive patterns, have been modelled as computer programs for over fifteen years. Combined with artificial intelligence and cybernetic theory, such models are now being applied in the form of computer programs, which act as extensions of human decision-making as previously described. Such agents are today relatively limited in their problem-solving capacity, but in the near future they will mirror human capabilities more closely, linking with other agents specialising in other domains and utilising complementary AI techniques.

At the same time, humans are cooperating in larger and more diverse groups via the Internet to solve more complex scientific, engineering and ethical problems. These require multi-disciplinary and real-time interaction across diverse fields of knowledge to solve the critical challenges facing life today; global warming, environmental pollution, population control, conflict mediation, disease management and the new frontiers of space exploration.

As a result, virtual communities of researchers and social advocates are already establishing a presence on the Web through social networking, virtual worlds; interacting with the aid of intelligent software to generate solutions and create alternate realities. These are the prototypes of future symbiotic communities with alternate operational and intellectual modus operandi; the early prototypes of universal meta-life.

These developments clearly demonstrate that life is now at the threshold of its most significant transformation, the symbiosis of biological and artificial life. Already few scientists or businesses operate without access to sophisticated Internet services and tools, with computer power able to be vastly augmented by Internet grids, on demand. In the near future, the links between AL and BL will be virtually seamless. Powerful AI techniques in the form of neural nets, swarm systems, fuzzy logic and evolutionary algorithms, will merge with the massive pattern analysis capacities of human intelligence; complementing human decision making at a fundamental level and creating a permanent nexus.

Evolution Mark 2.0

As human society begins to achieve a deeper and more intimate understanding of the primary evolutionary imperative shaping its destiny, a new form of evolution is likely to emerge, accelerating the already exponential pace of change to an extreme level- Evolution Mark 2.0.

The process will manifest in response to a deeper understanding by society of the implications of the evolutionary process itself. The resulting amplifying feedback will generate a glimpse of life’s true potential, accelerating the already massive momentum of evolution and resulting in a rate of change that is forecast to reach hyper-exponential levels in the near future.

If human civilisation is considered to be an information processing and learning system, then the major factors governing the rate of uptake of new knowledge are the capacity for integration into society’s institutions and cultural frameworks, together with the urgency or adaptive pressure of human survival needs.

The rapid drying of the forests four million tears ago produced great survival pressure on all species. But early hominids survived because of their cognitive, structural and social capacity to achieve bipedal locomotion, make crude tools and develop hunting and scavenging strategies consistent with a more open grassland environment.
The same imperatives apply to the capacity of modern humans to adapt to today’s major survival challenges such as global warming, ecological disasters, endemic conflict and economic collapse. Meeting these challenges involves active adaptation through problem solving – the heart of the evolutionary process.

Already an awareness of the pervasive and rapidly accelerating power of evolution is beginning to be felt through the enormous scientific, technological and social advances in our civilisation. This insight creates the evolutionary feedback loop- to actively engage evolution in helping meet today’s complex survival challenges. This further accelerates the knowledge discovery process, which in turn would generate further evolutionary insight and application.

A significant additional impetus would therefore be gained from a deeper understanding of the driving role of the evolutionary paradigm- a global awareness of the engine underlying life's progress. This would eventually create an explosive realisation of life’s future potential, as already debated by a number of eminent physicists, cosmologists and philosophers.

Such a state of hyper-evolution would lead inevitably to a more melioristic outcome for life through the acquisition and leverage of almost limitless knowledge and its by-product wisdom. The caveat that should be applied however relates to the resulting speedup of change, which would quickly reach a mind-numbing level.

As this rate increases to the point of incompatibility with the human capacity to absorb it, new social structures and modes of cognitive processing based on artificial intelligence techniques will emerge to help humans cope.

According to David Tow, this is already occurring. Even as the amount of information expands beyond human horizons, we are developing techniques to bring it under control. Like a fractal image, cybernetic life forms and intelligent machines are evolving in the same way as biological life- mutating to become increasingly intelligent. These act as proxies for humans, managing complex processes and roaming cyber-space- searching, filtering and processing data from an already overwhelming pool.

The unknown factor in this scenario is whether the level of hyper-evolution is capable of producing sudden and catastrophic regression. But optimistically, before this could engulf humanity, an adaptive process would kick in. Simulations would be performed allowing the critical threshold to be avoided until further techniques were developed to manage the potential risks.

Hyper-evolution can be expected to become a part of a new global paradigm within the next thirty years- 2040, based on current rates of knowledge growth and coinciding with the evolution of the super-intelligent Web 4.0. This will rapidly transform all aspects of our culture and civilisation, including accelerating acceptance of the global entity of meta-life, combining biological and artificial forms.

Also implicit in the notion of Evolution Mark 2.0 is the capacity of life to extract itself from the day-to-day pressure of a treadmill existence, finally becoming aware of its glittering potential- forever co-dependent on the evolutionary process.

Blog site-

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Future of Life - Foundations

This is the foundation blog of The Future of Life- a search for greater understanding of the evolution, meaning and prognosis of life in the Universe.

This narrative is also linked to the author's book
The Future of Life- Meta-Evolution: A Unified Theory of Evolution-
dowloadable from Google Books

This book is currently in its second revision- to be published in March 2010